The Fat and Lazy Gamers

The Fat and Lazy Gamers
Rob and Troy

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Update For The Week of 11/7

How's it going guys? Fat and Lazy Gaming here on this dreary Thursday morning. A lot has been going on in the world of FLG...and we're looking to share it all with you. First off, we've been in the recording studios and will have some new game play up for Life is Strange as well as our play-through of Neverending Nightmares (which is a wonderful game that we highly recommend). As you may or may not have noticed, our uploads have been a little more sporadic than usual but we're going to try and rectify it in the near future.

Next thing on the docket for today is this;

There are two possible templates for our new user art. I've been working on trying to make some more eye popping art...because beauty is in the eye of beholder. So, if you guys can choose which one you prefer...that would be awesome. User interaction is all the rage nowadays. 

Finally, we're all over social media. You can follow us on Twitter @FatNLazyGaming. We've just made a Facebook page; so if you could go on there and give us a like or share with your friends that would be awesome. We're trying our hardest to get the wheels fully turning...and appreciate all the support/interaction we can. Thanks for reading today...and keep on keeping on! 

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